IFLA Europe webinar - NVTL

IFLA Europe webinar

Locatie: Online
Fri 21 February 2025

IFLA Europe invites you to our 4th webinar on agricultural landscapes entitled “Challenges and opportunities offered by the new CAP for our landscapes” – 21 February 2025 at 13h CET!

‘Talk with…’ is IFLA Europe project consisting of a series of webinars on the theme of rural landscapes, but in a broad sense, including other issues beyond agriculture, such as the resilience of systems, adaptation to the climate change, the soil consumption, the city-country relationship.

The objective of these talks is to enhance the acknowledgement and the awareness of a wide audience about the focus role that Agricultural Landscapes play now and in the next years, facing huge challenges as the climate change, the extinction of species and loss of ecosystems.

Landscape Architects are makers and managers of places – both town and country. But also the farmers, who act daily on the quality of the environment and the rural landscape, also based on European and regional policies.

The Nature Restoration Law has sparked a heated debate on how to apply its demands within the agricultural world. Obviously, it cannot be enough to allocate 4% of the farm area to biodiversity, but more incisive actions are needed to obtain healthy, good and sustainable food in a context of environmental and landscape quality. The critical issues and imbalances caused by the application of the agro-industrial model have prompted the scientific community and civil society in recent years to ask for another way of food producing, aimed at the health of consumers and the environment (in particular, soil, groundwater and surface water, etc.), without depressing such a strategic production sector.

In this “Talk with” we want to investigate the opportunities that arise in this new framework, but also the critical issues they entail. A complex situation in which the LA can play an important role as a moderator and facilitator of virtuous processes.

13:00 Welcome by Katerina Gkoltsiou, IFLA Europe President
13:10 Introduction on webinar series by Francesca Neonato, Chair, IFLA Europe Agricultural Landscapes Working Group
13:15 Presentation by Jurgen Tack, Secretary General, European Landowners Organization
13:30 Panel discussion

Jeremy Dennis, Landscape Architect, IFLA Europe, Danske Landskabsarkitekter, Denmark

Federica Romano, Program Coordinator UNESCO chair Agriculture Heritage Landscape

Moderator: Linus Fredriksson, Landscape Architect, IFLA Europe Working Group Agricultural Landscapes, Sveriges Arkitekter, Sweden

14:00 Questions and Answers
14:30 Conclusions and closing

Please register in advance for this webinar https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/IliUAIFmSAW1wUBaSJbiNw

If you have any questions related to the topic of the webinar that you would like to pose, please be so kind to send them in advance to secretariat@iflaeurope.eu.

PROGRAMME with POSTER ‘Talk with Jurgen Tack’_ 21Feb25_3H CET programme with speakers