Do you want to plan the landscape of the future and design the daily living environment that everyone uses? Then garden and landscape architect is the profession for you. The design and planning of our future landscape is a creative process, in which you seek the balance between the wishes of residents, users and other stakeholders. In addition, you will take into account the history of the place and special characteristics of the environment, such as ecology, soil, economy and hydrology. As a landscape architect you can work for consultancy and engineering firms, the government, housing corporations, landscape managers and water boards. You can work as a designer, planner, policy officer, project manager, researcher or on a self-employed basis; there are plenty of opportunities. Would you like to work abroad? Dutch agencies work all over the world.
Check the website of the Dutch School of Landscape Architecture (DSL) for more information about the following five educational institutions in the field of garden and landscape architecture.

Academy of Architecture Amsterdam | Master
Duration: 4 years
Study load: 240 ECTS
Degree: Master of Landscape Architecture
Language: Dutch, English
The Amsterdam Academy of Architecture prepares students to practice spatial design as a discipline at the interface of art, science and technology. In addition to landscape architects, the Academy educates architects and urbanists. Programmes are highly interdisciplinary, and projects and lessons involve constant exchange between the different professional fields. Students combine their study with work experience in professional offices.

Wageningen University | Bachelor & Master
Duration: 3 jaar (BSc) 2 jaar (MSc)
Study load:180 + 120 ECTS
Degree:Bachelor and Master of Landscape Architecture and Planning
In the programme in landscape architecture at Wageningen University students work on concrete, real life issues and are encouraged to deal with pressing global landscape problems in their MSc thesis. The education is strengthened with the participation of professionals, especially within the design studios.
The programmes are internationally renowned and especially the MSc programme attracts students from abroad. The (inter)national networks and cooperation’s, in which the Wageningen chair group participates, provide contacts and opportunities for international research and design projects and for studying abroad.

Technische Universiteit Delft | Master
Duration: 3 years (BSc – general) 2 years (Msc – landscape architecture)
Study load: 180 + 120 ECTS
Degree: Master of Landscape Architecture
The graduate programme in landscape architecture at Delft University of Technology is a two-year full-time programme leading to a Master of Science in architecture, urbanism and the building sciences with a specialisation in landscape architecture.

Van Hall Larenstein | Bachelor
Duration: 4 years / full-time and part-time programme
Study load: 180 ECTS
Titel: Bachelor of Science
The Department of Garden and Landscape Architecture of Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences offers four graduation courses:
- Landscape architecture
- Garden design
- Management of outdoor space
- Plan realisation
Study projects are usually based on current design issues and assignments drawn from the world of practice. The courses lead to a degree at bachelor’s level, with good opportunities to continue in master’s programmes at Wageningen University, Delft University of Technology and the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture.
The language of instruction of the Bachelor of Garden and Landscape Architecture (BSc) and its professional fields is Dutch and taught part-time or fulltime. The location is the VHL campus in Velp.

HAS Den Bosch University | Bachelor
Duration: 4 years
Study load: 240 ECTS
Degree: Bachelor of Science
The study Landscape Design is part of the Management of the Living Environment Program. It has the following mission: ‘Training experts who are able to design public space at various levels with special attention to rural areas, civil engineering and interactive planning.’