De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Tuin- en landschapsarchitectuur (NVTL) is the only Dutch professional association for garden and landscape architects and designers. Our many national and international members represent the very best of the profession.
The NVTL is THE hub of the profession in the Netherlands and we are committed to the quality of garden and landscape architecture and design. We represent the interests on many fronts, stimulate the development of the profession and bring clients and agencies into contact with each other and with complementary disciplines. The NVTL is an open association which anyone who cares about green design from garden to landscape can join. With approximately 700 members, it forms a broad reflection of the Dutch professional practice.

It is our mission to contribute to a more beautiful, sustainable and better living environment. As garden and landscape architects and designers we strive for an independent, professional profession, in which the connection with society and our responsibility are self-evident.
The NVTL is a platform and network that enables the transfer of ideas, exchange of knowledge and reflection on the profession. Both at a national and international level, we work together with other spatial design disciplines, education, government and numerous green initiatives.
We address issues of concern to our members, including biodiversity and the integration of renewable energy sources into the landscape. We encourage our members to share specific information and promote research.
Our mission is based on the following three objectives:
TELLING – Promotion of the profession
Through our platform and related channels, we tell about garden and landscape architecture and design in word and image in order to increase the awareness and relevance of our profession. We make it recognisable and visible. As a member, you stay informed about the latest developments and activities in the sector. Member firms and partners can profile themselves on the NVTL platform towards clients.
CONNECTING – Facilitating collaborations
The NVTL platform also has a connecting role. We connect clients at the private, agency and government levels to our members by means of projects. We try to blur the boundaries and stimulate cooperation between the various design disciplines at home and abroad. In addition, we encourage dialogue between scientific and professional practitioners.
INNOVATION – Stimulating professional development

The NVTL was founded in 1983 as a result of a merger between the Bond van Nederlandse Tuinarchitecten (BNT) and the Vereniging voor Tuin- en Landschapsarchitectuur (VTL). The history of the association goes back via the BNT to 16 May 1922, when a number of landscape architects met in Utrecht and, under the chairmanship of the well-known garden architect Hugo Poortman, founded the Association for Garden and Landscape Art; the Bond van Nederlandse Tuinarchitecten (BNT).
In the early years, the main focus was on promoting the profession in order to create an independent position for trained garden architects in relation to other designers. The predicate ‘bnt’ (after the personal name) indicated that someone was a registered member of the association and acted as an independent consultant. To this day, this addition is used by members who are registered in the Architects Register and who subscribe to the rules of conduct.
Joeri de Bekker
Johan Snel
Shera van den Wittenboer
Stijn van de Ven
Leo Pols
Wiebke Klemm
Daphne van der Wal
Willemijn Ter Hart
Selinda Stompe
Ilse Zuidinga
Arjan Nienhuis
Several temporary project and working groups are active within NVTL and committees with longer-term topics such as Professional Development, Young NVTL and International. And collaborations between colleague associations such as working group DSO (BNSP & NVTL). Without active members, their knowledge and experience within the garden and landscape profession, we cannot achieve our objectives.
Would you also like to contribute to the sharing of knowledge, to enthuse your generation and to organise activities? Do not hesitate and contact us!
The articles of association offer the board the opportunity to express its appreciation to individuals who have made a special contribution to the achievement of the objectives of the NVTL by appointing them as ‘extraordinary members’.
By consciously and actively dealing with the possibility of appointing Extraordinary Members and looking for ways to involve them, in a modest way, in the development of policy, the Board wishes to make optimal use of the knowledge and insights of these individuals.
Hans Groeneveld, Johan Vlug, Dirk Sijmons, Adriaan Geuze (2020), Yttje Feddes (2022) en Michael van Gessel (2024).
In memoriam Carl van Empelen, Jan Voskens, Pieter Buys, Meto Vroom.
In the past, irregularly, the NVTL-trophy has been awarded to “persons or bodies who have made very special contributions to the improvement of the level of professional practice.” The winners of the NVTL-trophy are:
Stichting Nederland Nu als Ontwerp (1987), Ontwerpteam ‘Plan Ooievaar’ (1990), Stichting Artivisual Landscapes (1992), Bureau B+B (1997), Carla Oldenburger (2001), Harry Harsema (2005) en gemeente Apeldoorn (2008).
During the celebration in honor of the 100th anniversary in 2022, the first NVTL Award was presented. The goal is to make the presentation of the Awards an annual event. Nominations for the first Awards were collected from the board, as was customary for the NVTL Trophy. Starting next year, the goal is to roll out the award more broadly, collect the nominations from the profession and have the choice made by a broad, annually changing professional jury.
The winners of the NVTL Awards are:
Category Study
– “NL 2120 a more natural future for the Netherlands in 2120” by WUR
Category Talent
– Nina Ravestein
– Ziega van den Berk
Category Executed Plan
Coolhaven by Juurlink [+] Geluk Urban Design and Landscape
Category Study
Aquabattery Recharged by Bureau B+B Urban Design and Landscape Architecture
Category Talent
A Fire Scape by Hanna Prinssen
Honorable Mentions 2023
– Terp fan de Takomst by Observatorium
– Vestdijk Eindhoven by wUrck
– Visions of the Future at Floriade by Stefano Marinaz
Category Executed Landscape Design
Wieringermeer Viskringloop – HOSPER
Category Executed Garden Design
De Hooge Riet, Ermelo – H+N+S Landschapsarchitecten
Category Study
Nederland Veganland – Strootman Landschapsarchitecten
Category Talent
Burnt: a Tale of Three Fires – Jacob Saul Heydorn Gorski
Eervolle vermeldingen
Ereveld Loenen – Karres en Brands
Landschappelijke tuin aan de Vecht – Jeroen Hamers