Gemeente Hilversum zoekt lid landschapsarchitectuur
Gemeente Breda zoekt senior landschapsarchitect
Haver Droeze zoekt landschapsarchitect
Witteveen+Bos zoekt Stagiar(e) inrichting (stedelijke) openbare ruimte
Witteveen+Bos zoekt Stagiair(e) strategisch landschapsontwerp
DS Landschapsarchitecten zoekt stagiair
KuiperCompagnons zoekt stedenbouwkundige/projectleider
Felixx zoekt Technisch ontwerper
Felixx zoekt HR Coördinator
Place a job vacancy
Are you looking for an employee within our field?
NVTL agency members can post a vacancy on this page free of charge. An NVTL agency member’s vacancy post will also be forwarded on our LinkedIn.
Non-members can also post vacancies here. Please contact us about the possibilities and costs of bringing your vacancy effectively to the attention of your target group.
Delivery specifications vacancies
You can deliver the vacancy text in a Word file.
The visual material, a company logo, should be supplied in high resolution. Desired format 792 x 480 pixels (width x height). File type must be .jpg or .png. The logo needs sufficient white space around it, check example below.
Acquisition in response to vacancies is not appreciated.