IFLA Europe – Student and Youth Competition
Aim of the competition
IFLA Europe Students and Young Professionals Competition gives you a chance to share your projects and ideas among IFLA Europe, its members – 34 National Associations – and landscape architecture practitioners throughout Europe.
The competition aims to help landscape architecture students and young professionals to get exposure for their projects and work. Any European landscape architect (student enrolled in European Landscape Architecture programme or a professional under the age of 35) who is a member of any of the IFLA Europe National Associations can submit their project – which will be available both online and in printed format. For the details on the competition please refer to the Rules and Regulations https://www.iflaeurope.eu/index.php/youth/general/rules-and-regulations.
IFLA Europe launched its 2022 Students and Young Professionals’ Competition ‘Boldness & Beauty’!
Landscape Architects are currently offered a significant leading role in the development of the landscape. Landscape architecture is an area that concretises how we view our environment and that makes our society’s relationship with nature visible.
The aim of design has always been to increase well-being. The 19th century was marked by technological advances and engineers played a leading role in developing the industrializing world. In the 20th century, alongside technology and ecology, humanistic values rose in discourse; aesthetics and social dimensions. Architects took a central role and set out to solve the challenges of the post-war world.
Now in the 21st century it is Landscape Architects’ turn. The element of nature and the post-humanist perspective add to the goals of design, and traditional design processes go hand in hand with a with a greater understanding of the interaction of technology, man, and nature, and their mutual relationships.
As the operating environment and the issues to be solved in it become more and more complex, Landscape Architects have the necessary know-how to coordinate different requirements. The focus of design is increasingly shifting from shaping the end result to controlling the entire process, and the Landscape Architect profession provides the necessary skills for this.
By raising the profile of the debate, we see that taking on a socially significant expert role requires courage and responsibility. Until now, the formation of our profession has required taking bold action, and now there is a greater need for action than ever before. It is time for Landscape Architects to take on a leading role in the development of the landscape. We ask, under what conditions can we, as Landscape Architects, act more boldly at this moment, and by what means will we redeem this mandate?
How can each of us act boldly in our own work and how do we see our own responsibility in our actions?
Aesthetics is one of the cornerstones of landscape architecture. There are now numerous new themes on the design table to solve and coordinate. For this reason, it is timely to ask what is the role of beauty and aesthetics in landscape architecture. The skill of our profession to create beauty undoubtedly adds value to projects, but how
can we make better use of this expertise? What is the value of beauty in a world of change and crisis?
Boldness and Beauty
By bringing these two themes together, we want to launch an internal identity debate within the profession. Can these boldness and beauty together form the guiding themes for the design of the urban landscape of the 21st century? Through what examples, design projects, and actions can these themes be defined in landscape architecture? Will one come before the other, or are boldness and beauty prerequisites for each other?
Eligible competition participants
Competition participant MUST be enrolled landscape architecture student/alumnus or a practitioner in the field of landscape architecture as well as a member of a National Association which is IFLA Europe member – list of all IFLA Europe National Associations is available on our website IFLA Europe National Associations.
Please note that students may come from a different science but MUST be currently enrolled as landscape architecture students.
For enrolled students, please provide a copy of a document confirming that you are currently enrolled in that year/landscape architecture programme.
For young professionals under 35, please provide a copy of a document confirming you are employed by company/studio/other as Landscape Architect.
An eligible competition participant must not be older than 35 years of age (the year of birth is the deciding factor).
Competition participants may originate from one of the countries where IFLA EUROPE National Association is present or a country in the region identified as the Council of Europe country.
List of IFLA Europe member states: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom.
List of eligible Council of Europe member states not IFLA Europe member: Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cyprus, Georgia, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Republic of Moldova, San Marino.
The participant must be a citizen of one of these countries or study and be enrolled in a landscape architecture programme, be an alumnus of a university or work for at least a year prior to the competition opening date in one of the countries listed above.
For students in the countries where National Association is not established, they can apply without membership in National Association!
The entries will be in the following categories for Students and Young Professionals – those who are graduated but also students of post graduate diploma or master’s programmes as per above , a student/alumnus of a landscape architecture course or a practitioner in the field of landscape architecture.
Category A: Conceptual projects/Ideas
Category B: Realised projects
People’s choice
Competition Rules and Guidelines
Competition entries in all categories are to be submitted solely via the website https://www.iflaeurope.eu/index.php/youth/index.
In order to apply, please register on the website https://www.iflaeurope.eu/index.php/youth/register after which you will receive a notification that your registration was successful and you have created an account. Once you received the notification, please login on the competition website and via ‘Submission page’ upload your application and entry.
Please note that you will need to upload 4 documents!
1) Your competition entry, in accordance with the Technical specification (here below) – pdf
2) Application form with authorship declaration and proof of enrollment or employment in Landscape Architecture company/as Landscape Architect- pdf
3) Executive Summary of the entry – pdf
4) Image of your competition entry which will serve as your ‘cover’ image on the website – jpg/png
You are also required to upload up to 3 images (jpg/png) which will be used to promote your application. Please visit our webpage with previous edition to have an idea.
Competition entry
Your entry in both categories can include photographs, drawings, plans, visualisations and text. The participant (individual person or group) must be the author of all of the above-mentioned elements on every “entry” uploaded. Each participant can apply for one or more categories but is limited to one contribution per category. If you wish to submit an entry in several categories, please submit a separate entry and all relevant documents for each entry (your competition entry, application form, executive summary and image of your competition entry).
Please note that you need to submit only one pdf competition entry which will be considered as your application material and will be reviewed by the members of the Jury. All additional material (up to 3 images) that you wish to upload will be used to promote your entry. This material can be used on IFLA Europe website, its Yearbook or Competition booklet with credits to the author(s).
Technical specification of the entries
A chosen photo, drawing or visualization must be uploaded as a jpg entry. Horizontal(landscape) orientation is required. All uploaded entries will be reviewed before they are published on the IFLA EUROPE Student and Young Professionals competition website. The language of the competition is English.
File format
Please submit a single page in horizontal orientation.
File type: pdf
Images: 300dpi resolution minimum
File size: max 5MB, minimum 300dpi resolution and 800 px for website/digital version (for the file itself and for all the illustrations included on the entry).
Colour setting: CMYK Fonts: 10 points, all fonts embedded
Please name the file as: year Category project name.pdf – for example “2022 Cat A Project name”.pdf
Please ensure that the project name is not longer than 10 characters!
Please write this information in the top right corner of your entry. You can see all details of file format of your ‘page’ entry here: 2022 IFLA Europe Youth Competition Entry format
If you apply as a group, the first person mentioned on the form would, in the case of a nomination, be invited for the prize ceremony. There is no limit regarding the numbers of persons participating for one entry.
Please read carefully these rules and check you spam folder if you do not receive a confirmation email from the competition website or contact secretariat@iflaeurope.eu.
Executive Summary
Please provide short Executive Summary of your entry/project, maximum 250 words in pdf. including project context, issues to be addressed, main features and innovations. This text will be used in the jury report and IFLA Europe publications. This must be saved as a PDF and include entry title.
Please name the file as: year_Cat Project name_Summary.pdf
For example: 2022_cat_A_John_smith_summary.pdf
Your application is eligible only if it appears on the Competition entries on the IFLA Europe Student and Young Professionals Competition website. Please note that it may take few days for this process to be done and we are grateful for your understanding. If it is not published, please check your application form and your page to ensure that they fulfill all the conditions of the submission.
Each candidate (or group of persons) has to download the IFLA Europe Students and Young Professionals Competition file, fill it in and upload it again.Here you will find the application form 2022 IFLA Europe Youth Competition Application form
Important dates:
30 May: Launch of the competition
15 September: Deadline for sending entries
15 September: Deadline for People’s Choice Awards (vote on Facebook)
1 October: Announcement of winners
14 October: Award ceremony in IFLA Europe General Assembly in Helsinki