International Landscape Architecture School Prize

The 12th International Landscape Architecture School Prize aims to award the best results and methodologies from architecture and landscape schools all over the world. This initiative aims to contribute to the study and debate about interventions in landscape architecture and identify the best educational practices to prepare our future professionals.
The winning architecture school receives a financial endowment of 1,500 EUR that rewards all the teaching carried out by the centre in the field of landscape architecture projects. This projects are presented at the 12th Barcelona International Landscape Biennial Symposium (26-27 November), are part of an exhibition at the ETSAB School of Architecture (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-Barcelona Tech, UPC) and are included in the Biennial’s Paisateca online archive.
You can contribute to tracing a complete panorama of the best practices in academia regarding landscape architecture by providing the five best university projects of your school. Registration is FREE, and you can find the tutorial here, as well as the template for downloading.
The 12th International Landscape Architecture School Prize is organized by the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) and the Architects’ Association of Catalonia (COAC) with the support of The Banco Sabadell Foundation.
For further information or assistance in submitting projects, please contact us at